Building & Construction Apprenticeships in New Zealand

An apprenticeship in building and construction with APPRENTICE is a program that provides workers with the encouragement and support they need to succeed.

Why Become an Apprentice?


We'll get you into building and construction regardless of your experience.

Job security

Gain the in-demand skills that employers want.

Tool allowance

Receive up to $1,000 per year to buy tools for work.

Fast Growing Industry

A leg up into one of NZ’s biggest industries.

Let's Get Started

Essential Information

The Building and Construction Industry

Construction is a sector that is growing quickly in the country and is currently showing no signs of slowing down. This means that there are more high-paying and secure jobs available for construction than ever before, especially if you have completed an apprenticeship.
The construction industry in New Zealand is struggling because there are not enough young workers who are motivated and trained. This means that there is a high demand for skilled apprentices in construction, and it almost guarantees them to get a job once they finish their apprenticeship.
APPRENTICE offers apprenticeships in building and construction so you can learn the most relevant and up-to-date skills in the field. Completing an APPRENTICE apprenticeship will give you a big leg up in your career in construction.

How to Get Started

1. Apply Online

To apply for an apprenticeship, you need to fill out an online application form and provide some information about your education and work history.

2. Review & Interview

After you apply and pass the initial screening, one of our Business Managers will interview you. They will give you more information about the company.

3. Match with a business

We will look at your application, talk to people who know you, and make a profile about you. This profile will tell potential places you could work as an apprentice.

4. Get Started!

Once you're approved, we will find a business that will host you so you can start your apprenticeship!

Application Form

By law, it is only possible to only offer apprenticeships to New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. You will be required to produce proof of eligibility.
APPRENTICE run a criminal background check on everyone who applies. You need to tell us about any convictions you have that aren't hidden by the Clean Slate Act. If you don't tell us about your convictions and they are discovered your job end. Let us know, so we can help. You can find out more about the Clean Slate Act on the Justice website.